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  • Writer's pictureLisa Desmarais

Imperfect Foods

Food box subscriptions are the perfect grocery solution for those practicing COVIID-19 social distancing. Saving money is possible, although food subscriptions range from reasonable to very pricey. Imperfect Foods was my choice because food waste frankly breaks my heart. I don't mind fruits and vegetables that are misshapen, have spots, or a short shelf life. I enjoy cooking and having fresh produce delivered to my doorstep at a discount, because these items are passed over by grocers, is a good deal for me. I can freeze items I am not going to use promptly, add an extra side of vegetables to any dinner, and even get to try new produce at a bargain. There are several options available to fit any family size or budget. From a small box biweekly box to a large box weekly. Subscribers are allowed to reject items ( it was artichokes for me, I love them canned or jarred, but have never been able to master cooking an edible fresh artichoke) and add items. I'm often surprised by the variety of items available! Now for the drawbacks... the packaging is bargain basement, and while insulated, there are no ice packs included. I've had raspberries smooshed to a pulp and a boxful of blueberries that had spilled from their clamshell pack. I am considering pausing the subscription for the summer, because I am concerned about how fragile items will hold up in summer's heat. Stop and Shop has restarted their PeaPod pick up, and if the COVID-19 numbers continue to decline in Northeastern CT, I will venture out to the local Farmer's Markets again. Often, the Farmers, will also offer discounts on imperfect produce to regular customers! MORE INFORMATION

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