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It's Motorcycle Season - Share the Road!

With the arrival of warmer weather, motorcycle enthusiasts will be driving the roads more frequently. Most are safety-minded and responsible riders. Defensive driving and protective gear reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries on the road.

Motorcycles don't have the same kind of protection car drivers do and are far more likely to be in a crash than cars. In fact, it is 38 times more dangerous to operate a motorcycle than a car. Sadly, just this weekend a Dayville man lost his life, and his passenger sustained life threatening injuries in a motorcycle crash.

Motorcyclists and cars/trucks/commercial vehicles need to use extra caution on the roads at this time of year.

Motorcycle Drivers:

  • Make sure you are visible and avoid riding in a vehicle's blind spot.

  • Never assume that other drivers see you; ride defensively.

  • Ride at a safe speed, leaving plenty of room to stop or steer out of a vehicle's path.

  • Wear proper riding gear that will make you more visible to other road vehicles.

  • Wear a helmet, the most important piece of riding gear, because severe head injuries are common among fatally injured motorcyclists.

Motorcycle Passengers:

  • Wear a helmet, it prevents risk of brain injury by 67%.

  • Wear a jacket, to keep your upper body safe.

  • Wear ankle covering shoes, it is the best way to keep your feet and ankles protected from the motorcycle and accident impacts.

  • Wear long pants.

  • Don't wiggle, surprise shifts or wiggles can cause the driver to lose the bike's balance.

Car Drivers:

  • Keep a close eye out for motorcycles.

  • Share the road safely with motorcyclists, leaving as much space as you would for a car.

  • Stay focused, avoid distractions that take your eyes off the road.

  • Allow at least a three-second following distance when you're behind a motorcycle.

  • Scan intersections carefully and pay extra attention for motorcycles when you're turning left.

For more information:

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