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Ode to Strawberry

Joy! Beautiful berry of Divinity Fruit of summer's succulence

We bite thee warm, sweet flesh

Heavenly produce, thy juiciness!

It's Strawberry Season in CT! Oh to celebrate a reprieve from those supermarket berries of pale hue and dull flavor! Pressing that juicy plump, early June, sun-ripened strawberry between tongue and teeth, is truly a mouth orgasm! Nature's gift that occurs for only weeks each year in Connecticut, but well worth the treat! Whether it's memories of picking strawberries with my Gram for her amazing strawberry shortcake, to picking strawberries with my own children while trying to convince them to put more in their baskets than in their mouths, strawberries, for me, are the taste of summer's promise. It's promise of summer vacations, cool drinks in the hot sun, splashing in ponds, lakes, oceans, rivers, or pools, fireflies, and crickets singing me to sleep. Locally Buell's Orchard in Eastford is open for strawberry picking. You can also buy them at any of the Farmer's Markets or local farm stand, already picked for you! Hope you have a Berry nice Summer! MORE INFO

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