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Kitchens - The Heart of the Home

Most family routines are firmly rooted in the kitchen. As pre-pandemic routines have been interrupted, I wonder if other families have found that their kitchens have become even more of a gathering place, to discuss the day ahead, preparing more food at home as dining out is limited, or experimenting more with meals and ingredients because of various shortages of old standbys. There has been more time to organize, clean, repair or update our kitchens for those who are socially distancing. Maintaining the routine of a shared meal at the end of the day with the people who matter most is a blessing. Finally, as the end of the day draws to bedtime, there is the sleepy routine comfort of tidying up, lingering glasses go in the dishwasher, snack items stowed away, shades drawn, peeking out at the fireflies still dancing in the night sky as all is battened before the night's slumber. Some kitchens are elaborate, some are modern, some are minimalist, some are stuffed to the brim, from country kitchens, to gourmet kitchens or kid strewn tables, all have have a special place in our families, memories, and the lives within. Nourishment is born in the kitchen. It's an informal room, which welcomes informal conversation. I think back to my Grandmother's kitchen, which was as simple as could be, but still, magic happened there. Tears were wiped in her tiny kitchen. Laughter lingered in the air as seductive as the smells of dinner simmering. Womenfolk shared secrets while canning, preparing, chopping and cleaning. Family spats erupted too, but we learned to resolve them in the kitchen just as often. The scents of special holiday foods filled us with anticipation of celebrations and family gatherings. In the summer, the heat of baking beans, boiling potatoes and pasta for salads, seafood and chowders meant that dining would be al fresco! Perhaps, in these pandemic times, taking a wander into the kitchen, absorbing the memories, appreciating the view, and finding out "what's cooking", is not only comfort food for the belly, but also for the soul.

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