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American Wild Mint is the only species of mint native to Connecticut. American Wild Mint has flowers that are bluish or lightly violet tinted. It grows upright, ranging from 4 to 18 inches. It grows in wet areas, near lake and river edges, but not directly in water.

The species is a source of essential oils and is widely used in herbal medicine, including by Native Americans, who used it as a general tonic and to treat various conditions including, digestive ailments such as nausea, indigestion, ulcers, halitosis, and flatulence. It can also provide relief from headaches, sinus congestion, sore throats, fatigue, stress, and anxiety.

Mint can also help to promote blood circulation and improve metabolism making it an excellent choice for cleansing and weight loss. Mint is also beneficial for respiratory issues such as bronchitis, asthma, and respiratory inflammation Other uses include mint jelly, mint teas, or flavoring for mint candies. If you're lucky enough to have fresh mint on hand, try adding a few leaves to your smoothies or fruit salad for a delicious flavor combination with a little mineral and antioxidant boost.

Although American Wild Mint is the only native mentha species to Connecticut, many other mint species will thrive in sunny areas. For a groundcover that thrives in sunny areas, mint is useful. Cut stems can be potted to overwinter. Mint will need a sunny window when indoors.

Spearmint is another mentha variety that thrives in New England. Although not native to Connecticut, it has become widely available once it was introduced. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants such as vitamin A, C, B-complex, beta carotene, iron, magnesium, calcium, manganese, and potassium spearmint is a sweet, mild herb. Dried mint leaves can be found at health food stores and online.

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